A user recently commented underneath one of my posts „Shoutout to all the aromantics that don´t fall in love“ and I was immediately intrigued. Until today I have read enough to know that asexuality and aromanticism are not the same thing. You can be asexual and aromantic, but it doesn´t necessarily go hand in hand. Even though people on the ACE spectrum can be sex-repulsed they are not necessarily aromantic.
So what is aromanticism then?
As with ACES as well, aromantics can identify as any sexual orientation.
Generally speaking, aromantics may experience little to no emotional attraction to other people, but they may experience sexual attraction. Aromantics may feel satisfied with friendships and family without feeling the need to be in a romantic relationship. The emotional connections they have within their platonic relationships satisfy them fully
But what does that mean?
As with every romantic orientation, aromanticism is also a spectrum. So like the ACEs spectrum, there is a broad variety, and that comes with different preferences for different people. Some aromantics prefer not to be touched or to touch others because it´s considered a romantic gesture. But some do like to cuddle, hug, or touch and be touched. It depends on the person and where on the aromantic spectrum they are.

- Demiromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction after forming an emotional bond
- Litho- or akoioromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction but doesn´t want it returned.
- Grey-aromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction under specific circumstances.
- Quoiromantic: Someone who can´t tell the difference between romantic and platonic feelings
- Cupioromantic: Someone who wants a romantic relationship.
I think a common misunderstanding might be that aromantics generally don´t have feelings. But romantic attraction has nothing to do with general emotions or personality traits. They can still be empathic and supportive partners.
There are several types of attractions that people can have towards one another:
Sexual, romantic, aesthetic, sensual, emotional and intellectual.
This means aromantics can develop deep loving feelings for someone and can also commit to a long-term partnership. They are just not romantic by nature. They might be attracted to their partner intellectually, emotionally, sensually, or/and aesthetically, which can lead to a form of monogamous sexual relationships, living together, queerplatonic relationships/partnerships, or marriage.
To all the aromantics out there, what did I miss?
(My ressources are: http://www.michianaglbtcenter.org/difference-aromantic-asexual/, https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-does-aromantic-mean, https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/exploring-identities/asexuality-attraction-and-romantic-orientation/)