You really liked the interview with S regaridng this topic and I got another one for you. I asked Brittany the same questions and got totally different answers. I m very happy to be able to show the various sides of the ACE spectrum.
Discoveries of an Ace: Hey, would you please introduce yourselves to the readers?
Brittany: Hello, my name is Brittany, my nickname is Britt, and I’m 20 years old.
Discoveries of an Ace: Where on the ACE spectrum are you?
Brittany: On the Ace spectrum, I’m Aegosexual indifferent.
Discoveries of an Ace: When did you first realize that you had a kink/fetish?
Brittany: I first realized that I had kinks a few years into reading fanfiction, around the time that I was in 7th grade; I realized that I liked some things in fanfiction a lot more than other things, and I realized that those were called ‘kinks’. When I found out that I had kinks, I was so convinced that I was allosexual for so many years solely because I had kinks, and I always associated kinks with being interested in s*x. It was only up until 2021 when I was discussing with my friend, my kinks and indifference to s*x, that they suggested I may be asexual; and when I researched asexuality, I realized that I pretty much fit in with a lot of the criteria, especially the ‘little to no sexual attraction’ part, but even then, I still didn’t feel “fully” asexual because I had lots of kinks, so there were times where I called myself “half-ace”… Until I found the term ‘Aegosexual’ under the Ace umbrella, and suddenly everything just clicked. I finally felt understood and seen, and I never went back after that.

Discoveries of an Ace: What is your kink/fetish?
Brittany: I have many kinks hahaha, but to name a few: overstimulation, Voyeurism, Dirty talk, Breath play, etc.
Discoveries of an Ace: What feelings do you associate with your kink/fetish?
Brittany: The feelings I associate with my kinks are… horny, intrigued, and sometimes happy.
Discoveries of an Ace: Do you find it easy to connect to other Aces that have the same kink/fetish?
Brittany: I’m not sure actually. I only find other Aces with the same kinks when I read fanfiction, and even then, I don’t usually go out of my way to start a conversation with an author, but I’m sure if I did, it’d be nice!
Discoveries of an Ace: Do you think the ACE community is open towards kinks/fetish topics?
Brittany: I think so. The asexual community I’ve interacted with has been nothing but supportive of most if not all, identities. Personally, I think that the ACE community is one of the most supportive communities ever, and it’s refreshing to see, so I believe that I would be allowed to talk about certain kinks in ACE spaces as long as I let others know that I’m gonna be talking about kinks beforehand.
Discoveries of an Ace: What would be your advice for other Aces that just discovered their kink/fetish?
Brittany: My advice to other Aces who have discovered their kinks would be to never doubt themselves or their asexuality just because they have kinks. Everyone is different and humans are complex. If someone feels and relates to being asexual, then having a few kinks shouldn’t change that, and no one should be able to tell you otherwise.
Thank you Brittany,I really appreciate you answering the question.
If you like the „Short Interview“ series, let me know in the comments below what topic you would be interested in reading about next.
Yours, Ace