Dear Readers,
I had a fascinating discussion in one of the comment sections on Facebook. That was the first time I came across the term orchidsexuality. As I’m fairly new to the ACE world, I didn’t know anything about it, so I started researching the term. I know that some ACEs consider orchidsexuality not to be part of the ace spectrum, but since this is a journey I include whatever I find. Additionally, I want to provide an inclusive environment for those who struggle with sexual attraction as well as with the physical part.
What is orchidsexuality?
Orchidsexual ACEs experience sexual attraction but lack the desire to want a sexual relationship.
Orchidsexuality is a microlable under the ACE spectrum and could be considered the opposite of cupiosexual. But it is also its very own spectrum.
What are signs that you are orchidsexual?
- You feel sexual attraction, but you don’t want a relationship
- While you feel the attraction you are sex-repulsed or aromantic
- You feel sexual attraction but are not connected to yourself
As interesting as it is, there’s not much that can be found about this specific label. Probably because it is very hard to identify the signs, it can be easily confused as grey-asexuality or as celibacy, although it is not.
Do you consider yourself an orchidsexual? Would you be interested in taking part in an interview? Then leave me a message!
Yours, ACE